For one, think what happens to GM ( GM) stock when the Treasury sells the$ 14 billion in shares it holds from tarp to meet an interest payment. 比如,可以试想一下如果美国财政部为满足付息要求,决定出售TARP项下所持的140亿美元通用汽车(GM)股票,该股股价将会怎样。
He said the Treasury always assumed that it could hold GM shares for up to seven years. 他表示,一直以来美国财政部的假设是,它最多能持有通用汽车的股票七年之久。
Once Treasury yields start to rise again, it will become more expensive for companies to buy back their own shares with borrowed money. 一旦美国国债收益率再次上升,企业用借款进行股票回购的成本就会变得高昂。
'Management need to rebuild credibility across the board,' said Brad King, a portfolio manager at fund manager Armytage Private, which owns Treasury Wine shares. 基金管理公司ArmytagePrivate的投资组合经理金(BradKing)说,管理层需要重建整个公司的信誉。该公司持有TreasuryWine的股票。
Treasury Wine's shares fell 12% Monday in Sydney. TreasuryWine在悉尼上市的股票周一跌12%。
Notice that no gain or loss is recognized on treasury stock transactions, even when the shares are reissued at a price above or below cost. 需注意,不管再发行价格高于或低于成本,库藏股业务的确认既不盈利也不亏损。
Nevertheless, the Treasury is not expected to move quickly to offload big chunks of Citi shares. 不过,预计财政部不会迅速大举抛出花旗股票。
When Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said last week that the government would no longer buy the banks'troubled assets, Goldman shares fell to near$ 61. 而当财长鲍尔森在上周称政府将不再购买银行的问题资产时,高盛的股价更是跌倒了接近61美元的价位。
US banks can still pay dividends, if only in shares, although any increase in the pay-out in the first three years will require Treasury approval. 而只要是以股票形式,美国银行仍可以支付股息,尽管在前3年,增加任何派息都须美国财政部(Treasury)的批准。
The Treasury should offer to match Mitsubishi's investment with preferred shares whose conversion price is higher than Mitsubishi's purchase price. 美国财政部应认购与三菱(Mitsubishi)入股规模相当的优先股,这些优先股的转换价格高于三菱的收购价。
AIG and the US Treasury, which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month, declined to comment on the share sales. AIG和美国财政部拒绝就出售股份一事置评。上月,美国财政部将持有的优先股转换为普通股,从而获得了现有股份。
Amex said the equity offering followed additional guidance from the Federal Reserve that made raising funds in the public equity markets a precondition for buying back the Treasury's preferred shares in the company. 美国运通表示,股票发行遵循了美联储(Fed)的附加指引。根据该指引,在公共股票市场募资是回购美国财政部所持公司优先股的前提条件。
Executives say the company would launch a stock offering only if the Treasury agrees to also sell shares. 花旗高管表示,只有财政部也同意出售股份,公司才会发售股份。
If there is no additional paid-in capital from previous treasury stock transactions, the excess of the cost of the treasury shares over the reissue price may be recorded as a debit to retained earnings. 如果以前的超面值缴入股本&库藏股业务账户没有余额,库藏股成本超过再发行价格的部分可以作为留存收益的借项。
Treasury shares may be held indefinitely or may be issued again at any time. 库藏股票可以无限期持有,也可以在任何时候重新发行。
Treasury stock does not carry the rights of outstanding common shares, such as voting rights and the right to receive dividends. 库存股不附带流通股的权力,诸如投票权和分红权。